To lead an orchestra, you must turn your back on the crowd.
Quality is not an act, it is a habit. 

(Aristotle, 384-322 BC)


About A/B/C-Teach

The new dimensions of e-community and e-identity may justify innovative methodologies in the design, implementation and development of the teaching-learning process at Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) [1,2]. In this context, teaching-learning process should be seen as a complex and constantly dynamic reality [3,4,5]. ICT-based techno-pedagogical innovations are clearly associated with models that include representations, visions, skills, resources, attitudes and practices of their social actors, as well as the negotiation process of teaching-learning [1,6]. The growing adoption of Learning Management Systems (LMSs) has led to the introduction of new teaching/learning approaches and to the promotion of different educational contexts within the online environment. It is vital, however, to consider the role of the LMS users, so to provide them with a supportive and inclusive environment that delivers enriched educational experiences.

A/B/C-TEACH explores the ways effective teaching could be accomplished when bridging the fields of affective-, blended- and collaborative-learning into a hybrid, LMS-based, enhanced teaching-learning environment.

Moreover, the incorporation of explainable AI (xAI)-based technologies, such as Deep Learning combined with Fuzzy Modeling, enhances the adaptivity, functionality and role of LMS in the OLEs, and provides new representations of the users’ interactions, via validated and explainable indices, such as Quality of Interaction (QoI), Quality of Collaboration (QoC), Affective State (AS). These contribute to the realization of the teaching/learning process within an OLE that encapsulates characteristics that come from F2F teaching/learning practices. The realization of xAI-LMS contributes to the introduction of innovative research outcomes that extend the role of the ICT-based OLEs and support open and distance learning via innovative and inclusive ICT-based tools.

Affective (a-) learning

In the last decade there has been an accelerated flow of findings in multiple disciplines supporting a view of affect as complexly intertwined with cognition in guiding rational behaviour, memory retrieval, decision-making and creativity, boosting the role of affective (a-) learning to the foreground [7]. 

Blended (b-) learning

Additionally, a combination of traditional F2F and online learning initiated the concept of blended (b-) learning, combining different delivery methodologies/modes that have the potential to balance out and optimize the learning development, deployment costs and time [8].

Collaborative (c-) learning

In parallel, education paradigms shifted to incorporate online collaborative (c-) learning environments [9]. In fact, collaborative learning can assist students to feel more interactive and also exerts a positive influence in terms of motivation, behaviour and self-determination, as well as engagement in learning activities [10,11].

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