The motivation behind the A/B/C-TEACH approach lies in the perspective of learning as being rooted in the person and the culture; it bears fruit through the construction process; it has shoots that branch into new areas, shaping and transforming the community around the learner. These principles of learning are experientially based, differing markedly from the concept that requires a disconnected accumulation of chunks of knowledge. In order for the learning to become truly rooted, a person has to have a deep emotional attachment to the subject area. Rooting and the possibilities for branching flow from a better understanding of emotion, motivation, attention, comfort, community, and culture. Digital technologies offer new opportunities for discovering roots, adapting to preferences, and enabling creative and idiosyncratic connections to learning and knowing. A new range of expressive technologies and a more integrated methodology to facilitate rooted knowledge construction and support development of shoots to new areas through e-collaboration and support in the context of effective teaching at the Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) is needed. |